Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thank you for your support!!

Hey guys!  Although I didn't win my election for VPF, I had an awesome time!!  I also am hard at work because this August, I will be competing for the title of Miss Long Island 2012!!!!

I hope you all support me again for this amazing opportunity!!


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Platform for VP of Finance!

I just wanted to post my platform for easy access for the students on Campus!

Bi-Monthly Forums for Treasurers-
·      Holding Bi-Monthly Forums will allow the Treasurers to discuss what they feel is necessary to make their organizations more efficient.
Bi-Monthly Forums for Non SA members
·      Including the students that are not associated with the SA, will create a relationship that can potentially lead to more members, and diverse opinions regarding topics relate to the campus at large.
Smooth Sailing-
·      Being Proactive in creating a streamline process in order to process requests for loans and approvals, will create a healthy relationship between the SA and their Chartered groups.
·      I will always be available for each organization to go over any rules, or guidelines regarding any process in which I am responsible for;  Including but not limited to, processing requests for loans, procedures for creating events, and discussing liabilities of hosting an event.
About me
·      I firmly believe in student run groups, and would work my hardest to keep them up and running to reach their fullest potential.
o   Student organizations are the fundamental resource for success in the future for students. They allow networking to take place, and potentially lead to jobs in the future.
·      I have experience in the insurance field, and from there I am comfortably able to interact with individuals in a professional business setting.
·      I believe strategic financial planning is one of the most important aspects for a successful organization.  
o   Planning is important because it allows for organization and success in the future and encourages individuals to try new things to achieve their goals. 
·      Through Miss Long Island Teen, I interacted with people from various backgrounds and interests and despite these differences I learned it was possible through compromise to achieve common goals. 

Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this position, and don't forget to vote on March 15, and March 16, in your local dining hall or in the University Union!!!

Candidate Meeting!

Tonight is our candidate meeting, where we will find out all of the guidelines and information about Sweeps, and the Voting Process

Sweeps will be held Tuesday March 8, 2011, at 8pm in the Lecture Halls!

I am currently designing my campaign posters, and could definitely use a little insight!

Feel Free to contact me if you would like to help me!

Also, My speech is almost done! I am so excited to present it in sweeps!

-Leanne P