Monday, August 29, 2011

And the semester starts!!


Just got settled into my new room, and its getting to be more like a room, and not just some space I was thrown into! lol.  I am extremely happy, and am ready for classes to start!!

Just a heads up! I am taking my LSAT's in December!!!! I am sooo nervous, but I am sure it will turn out well!

Alsooo! I just submitted my letter of intent to run for the Endicott Hall President!! I am super excited because I have so many amazing ideas and plans for this building! Everyone here is so great, and I am soo excited for this upcoming election!

I will keep updating here with the status of the election, and I wish everyone an amazing night!

Love Always,

Leanne <3

Thursday, August 11, 2011

As the summer comes to an end...

As the summer comes to an end, and I start packing to go back to school, I wanted to say a few things!

1) I wanted to Congratulate the new Miss Long Island and Miss Long Island Teen 2012, you girls are beautiful and will do amazing this year! 

2) I look forward to updating my blog more, and let you guys know about the progress I have made in school achievements, and personal achievements!

Peace and Love always

