Monday, April 16, 2012

"No Room for Vengeance"

 If you remember, I spoke about the death of another student from Commack High School, I would like to ask you all to sign this petition for the book "No Room for Vengeance" to be added to Commack High School's curriculum.  It is very important for there to be some sort of teaching tools for students to refer to when they are having difficulty with everyday problems and need help finding the proper solution.  With this book, students will be able to see real life examples of how revenge is not the answer to solving problems.

"The cycle of violence in schools continues without educating children how to prevent conflict by teaching empathy and at the same time use the inevitable conflict as a teachable moment when incidences such as "bullying" arises. The reaction is often to immediately suspend without focusing on prevention, which results in rewarding the disruptive behavior. The book "No Room For Vengeance" teaches how to resolve conflict in a meaningful way. For more information visit" (From website)

Here is the link to the petition, I would appreciate if everyone could fill this out and potentially save a life by doing so, "No Room for Vengeance" Petition

I have worked with both Rob Goldman J.D., Psy D and Victoria Ruvolo at the Suffolk County Probation TASTE Program.  TASTE is an amazing program designed to help young adults learn accountability for their actions.  I can personally say that both Rob and Victoria have an incredible impact on those that go through the TASTE Program and those lessons can be seen in their book "No Room for Vengeance."

Commack has a lot going on, and if we take the time to sit and sign a petition for this book to be used in the High School, not only could it save the life of someone's son or daughter, it will also teach students valuable life lessons.

If there are any questions regarding the TASTE Program or the book "No Room for Vengeance" Please contact Rob Goldman at

If interested in purchasing the book please click here

I hope everyone had a great holiday this past week, I will be in touch soon!!!

