Monday, April 8, 2013

Celebrate More Birthdays Donation Page!

In my last post, I let you guys know that if you were planning on getting me a gift this year, to please use that money instead to donate to a cause that helps spread awareness on early detection.  I have set up a page through the American Cancer Society to raise money in honor of my birthday!

My goal is $421.00 because my birthday is on 4.21 and I will be turning 21.  Please help me reach my goal by donating.

Leanne's More Birthdays Page!

Thank you all for your continued Love and Support!!!


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Early Detection Saves Lives!

Happy April Everyone!

I wanted to share something very personal, in hopes that it will educate at least someone about early detection.  When I was 8 years old my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, this was obviously very devastating news for our family, she had many options for surgery but chose the DIEP Flap performed by Doctor Alex Keller (  Dr. Keller was an amazing surgeon and saved my mothers life.  Now 12 years later my mom and I had to overcome another challenge.  Just last week my mom went into surgery again, this time for a bilateral oophrectomy (ovary removal) to see if she had Ovarian Cancer.  This procedure was shorter than her last one but just as scary. Thankfully her surgeon (Doctor Lisa Dos Santos) was incredible and again took great care of my mom!  I would like to thank the staff at North Shore LIJ for taking such great care of my mom during this stressful time in our lives, I could not be more grateful for your devotion to patient care.

Lucky, the results from the frozen section came back negative, which means my mom is still cancer free, but it was an eye opening moment for me, one that I wanted to share with everyone...Early detection is key.

This is a message that I have always known, but never really put into action, you always think that these things will never happen to you, but as scary as it sounds, it can.  I have worked with many organizations in the past spreading awareness about early detection, and I will continue to work with these organizations because again, early detection is more important than one realizes.

Cancer Schmancer is just one of the organizations that promote early detection for all cancers, consider hosting a Trash Cancer Party to inform your friends and families about the benefits of early detection.  Check out their early detection cheat sheets to help compare your symptoms and learn about warning signs.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, I urge you to do research, tons of it, especially about all of your options, doing your own research can open up a ton of possibilities for the treatment that is right for you.  If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, my mom and I personally recommend the DIEP Flap.  My mom would be willing to speak to anyone about this option, so please contact me if you would like to get in touch with her.  For a list of doctors that perform this surgery please click here.

As some of you know, my 21st birthday is this month (April 21) and I wanted to share with you my plans for this upcoming birthday, I will be advocating for early detection, not only because early detection saved my mothers life, but because it can save another life too.  So for my birthday, I would like each and every one of you reading this, to do the same, advocate for early detection, check yourself, and as the American Cancer Society would say celebrate more birthdays.  I myself will be joining the More Birthdays movement in honor of my upcoming birthday.

I would like to also add, that if anyone was planning on getting me a gift for my birthday this year, please use that money instead to donate to an organizations advocating for early detection, for example Cancer Schmancer or the American Cancer Society.

Thank you all for reading my blog, please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you or your family, and remember early detection saves lives.

Peace, Love, Health, and Happiness always
