Thursday, July 18, 2013

Jaimie Hope, Author and Advocate

I had the opportunity to speak with Jaimie Hope, a children's book author with a powerful message and a wonderful attitude towards life. Jaimie is the author of The Adventures of Baby Jaimie which is the story of a young girl with a disability and how she copes with that.  Jaimie herself having a physical disability, does not let that define who she is. When we spoke, you could hear her smile through the phone, and her positive attitude was enough to make that sun shine on that rainy day. We spoke about the message she wanted to send to people everywhere, to which she replied that she wanted to teach non disabled children what it is like to be disabled, while teaching disabled children that they are not alone and that someone out there went through the same thing they are going through now.

Not only is Jaimie an author of Children's books, but she also has written and published young adult novels, a Biography and is working on her second biography in her trilogy to be released on Halloween 2013. To purchase any of her books, visit Jamie Hope's Online Store.  Jaimie donates 50% of her proceeds from book sales to Spina Bifida Research.

Jaimie was born with Spina Bifida and unfortunately was faced with bullying in junior and senior high school.  She said she never stood up for herself but wants others in the same situation to know that it is important to be your own advocate, and that you will never be okay unless you stand up for yourself.  On a recent Blog Post, Jaimie writes "Bullying has been a recurring theme since junior high for me. I have remained silent for far to long about it, but that part of my life is done. If you ever wish to bring about real change on this topic that has become a worldwide epidemic take a stand and clearly denounce it, I have." Jaimie stands up for herself in more ways than one.  She raises funds for organizations supporting Spina Bifida research, with her current focus being on the Walk-n-Roll happening in Orlando, Florida.  The WALK-N-ROLL® for Spina Bifida is a family-friendly walk event being held to raise awareness about Spina Bifida and celebrate the accomplishments of the over 166,000 Americans living with it. All proceeds benefit the Spina Bifida Association of Central Florida's programs and services for individuals living with Spina Bifida. Please consider donating to Jaimie's online donation page with only 100 days left, Here

Jaimie also hosts her own online talk show called This Is How We Roll, if you want to appear on her show, please click here.

You can now see why I think this women is so incredible, she is so inspiring because despite her physical disabilities she is determined to be an advocate and encourage others to do the same.

Want to follow Jaimie? Take a look at her Blog, TwitterFacebook Page, or Website.