Monday, October 26, 2015

Companies with a Conscience

I am starting this bi-weekly post and am calling it "Companies with a Conscience"  The idea behind this is that everyday, I see companies that are striving to make their community a better place. I am tired of hearing news and seeing on Facebook about all the negative things organizations are doing, so I want to start focusing on the positive. One small positive thought in the morning can change your entire day. I want to highlight the positive and give notice for good actions.

For the weeks of 10/25/15-11/1/15 I am highlighting Target

Since I am an advocate for food and latex allergy awareness and it is Halloween time, I felt it was fitting to start this new endeavor with Target. This weekend 10/25/2015, Target had a "safe Halloween" event. They asked that you bring your kids to Target dressed in their Halloween costumes so they can trick or treat throughout the store. Naturally, I walked along the entire store to see what the options were for the kids. First, I saw some nutrition bars, and then some candy, and I couldn't help but wonder if there were any non-food options for allergic children when low and behold, I noticed each station had a non-food option for children; there was stickers, tattoos and mini toys. Now, I am not sure if their intention was to provide non food options specifically for allergic children, but regardless of their specific intentions it still helped out the allergic community. It was really wonderful to see that a company is not only providing a safe Halloween in terms of general safety, but also safe for allergic children who may not have the opportunity to enjoy Halloween like everyone else, do to their medical restrictions.

Congratulations Target for being our first Company with a Conscience!

*If you would like to submit a "Company with a Conscience" for upcoming posts, please use this link Companies with a Conscience Submission Form *