Sunday, January 8, 2012

Its early January, and I am back like I promised! =]

Hola Amigos!

Well, I keep my word and am posting in early January =]
Firstly, Happy New year!! I have an incredible feeling about 2012, much like my feeling for 2010, and I am excited! ;)

I am currently getting ready to go back to Binghamton, working on some homework for my winter classes, and lounging around like my normal Sunday routine.  =]

In this year, I hope to accomplish a few things, Community Service in both my home town, and in Binghamton, to over come my Pre-Diabetes, and to bring more education about food and latex allergies in children.

I guess it is time to make that announcement now, and well, here it goes!

In August, of 2012, I will be competing in the Miss Long Island Pageant.  =]  I am extremely excited about competing this year, and cannot wait to meet the beautiful girls I will be competing with!

The count-down has begun, in exactly 32 weeks, I will be competing for the prestigious title of Miss Long Island 2013! =]

But for now, please watch my fellow pageant sisters Jessica and Sabrina in the Miss New York USA pageant this Saturday and Sunday.  =]
Also please vote for them to win People's Choice!!

Miss Long Island Teen 2012

Miss Long Island 2012

Both these girls are incredible, beautiful, and smart!! Please Vote for Them!!! =]

Well, it is time to do some more work, and prepare myself for pageant season! =]  I LOVE this feeling!!

A happy and Healthy New year to everyone that I know and love, and I will be sure to keep everyone updated with my efforts!!

Peace and Love!

-Leanne <3

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