Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sadness Surrounds Commack

Tonight, I wanted to talk about something from my home town. 

Unfortunately, there was another suicide from Commack High School this past week, This has become an epidemic, and it needs to end!  I am reaching out to all of you to sign this petition to Allow Suicide Prevention into Commack High School.  The school thinks that if they discuss it, they will be glorifying suicide, I believe it is the opposite!  Over the last 5 years, 17 students from Commack High School have died, and the majority of them took their own lives, I think it is time that we allow a form of education and awareness into the school system. 

The name of the Petition is: Allow Suicide Prevention into Commack High School: Educate the students, and find ways to prevent this alarming result.
The petition was created by Victoria Modica and we need more signatures to show the Administration that there needs to be some sort of awareness!

Please, even if you are not from Commack, or never even have heard of Commack, Sign this petition and bring awareness to Commack High School!

May all those who are no longer with us, Rest In Peace.


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