Tuesday, June 26, 2012

ALAA Walk & Other Works-in-Progress

ALAA Walk 

Well, as it turns out, planning a walk from scratch is HARD work!!!  We have spent countless nights trying to find a location, and trying to get event insurance for that day.  It is a very very hard process!  Since we are trying to have the event in October, which is National Latex Allergy Awareness Week, we are pretty pressed for time.

I am reaching out to my friends and family to ask for help with this one.  If anyone has any information on someone who can give us a quote for event insurance, PLEASE reach out to me!
On that note, we are still working hard to try to get this walk put into place so the American Latex Allergy Association can have their first ever Latex Allergy Awareness Walk!!!!!! =]

If anyone would like to become more educated about the progress being made to make people more Latex Safe, please click here to review the ALAA Website!

Big Brothers Big Sisters Clothing Drive

On a separate note, I am currently putting together another Clothing Drive for Big Brothers Big Sisters Long Island!  I just printed out the flyers to distribute in my community, and I will be officially collecting clothing from them on Sunday, July 22, 2012 and will stop collecting on Wednesday July 25, 2012!  Last time I held this fundraiser, I collected over 60 bags of clothing!!!  I am hoping that this time I can double that! =]  It is weird to see that my first blog post was for the Big Brothers Big Sisters Clothing Donation I did back in 2010!

Other Information

I am also busy planning events for my sorority, I am Community Service, Philanthropy, and Paraphernalia chairs, so I want to have our events planned early on in the semester, because I learned from past semesters, that having the events early in the semester allows for other chairs to plan their events!

On top of all of this planning, I am studying for my LSAT, working as an Intern at AXA Advisors, preparing for the Miss Long Island 2013 Pageant, and getting ready for my 12 credit summer semester to start soon.  As you can see, this is why I haven't been able to post recently! Even though I do all of this, I still have had time to see my sorority sisters, and my pageant sisters.  I recently attended a walk for Cystic Fibrosis with my Long Island Sister Queen turned Miss New York Teen 2012 Sabrina Mastrangelo!  It was a great feeling getting back into the Long Island community and helping out!
Looking back on past posts, I had let you all know that I was diagnosed with Pre-Diabetes, and just as an update, I am doing well, not completely off the medication yet, but my doctor says maybe a few more months and I should no longer be at risk for developing type 2 diabetes!  This is a great accomplishment in itself and it is a reminder that hard work does pay off.  I have been following all of the instructions of my doctor, and have lost over 40 lbs!!  I am not usually one to post publicly about my weight, but if 1 person reading this could avoid being diagnosed with diabetes because they saw it was possible to get healthy posting this has paid off!

For the Miss Long Island Pageant, there are only 47 short days left until the competition! Everyday I am getting myself prepared to compete for this prestigious title and everyday I get more and more excited!  Knowing how much good I did with the title of Miss Long Island Teen 2010 just makes me that much more excited to compete for the Miss Long Island 2013 title! Wish me luck! =]

I think that is all I have for now, so I am going to leave you with this little quote, because by now you probably realize I LOVE quotes!

"We gotta do much more than believe
if we wanna see the world change
We gotta do much more than believe
if we really wanna change things"

Click above to hear the song on youtube.com

Peace and Love Always! <3

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