Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Education...the Key to Saving Lives

So, I have been doing quite a bit of eating out recently, and have had some interesting experiences that I wanted to share.  By now, we all know my devotion to food and latex allergy awareness, and how important it is for someone with allergies to share with their food server and the establishment that they have an allergy.  If I didn't check the gloves that restaurants used I would just always be in the hospital.

**Disclaimer: These are my experiences with the restaurants at my time of service, I do not know current policies or changes in gloves.  If you have a latex allergy or sensitivity, I would suggest you check each time you go to a food service establishment before eating there, in case there are any changes**

There are a couple of restaurants that I would like to discuss here today, Medieval Times (Lyndhurst, NJ), Houlihan's (Bridgewater, NJ) and then a hotel located on Long Island.

Let’s start with Medieval Times, this is a HUGE chain with locations everywhere, hundreds of people per show, certainly not concerned with one individual...WRONG.  My experience at Medieval Times was rocky to start, but the initiative that was taken by the manager changed my experience completely.  I first sat down, and immediately asked my waitress if I could see the box of gloves because I have a latex allergy.  She seemed to know what she was talking about and said "oh I'm sorry they are latex! Are you allergic? I will bring you anything pre-packaged that I can so you can still eat!" Obviously, this was a very accommodating environment as she was willing to do extra work so that I could still enjoy my time; but from her information, they used latex gloves and I just accepted that.  A couple minutes later the manager walked over with a box of gloves and said, "You have a latex allergy? I just wanted to let you know that there is no latex in our kitchen, and I wanted to bring you the box to show you."  I was so impressed with his professionalism and care in regard to allergies. This manager made my experience very enjoyable and made me feel safe because of how concerned he was.  According to Medieval Times main hotline, they are each individually owned and operated so there is no corporate latex-free policy.  (I reached out to the castle to find the manager’s name so that he may get the proper credit, so as soon as I hear back, I will post it here with the proper thank you!)

Houlihan's was also a mixed experience, I had called ahead to find out what kind of gloves they used, the hostess who answered the phone told me they used latex, when I asked her if she could read the box to make sure, she seemed very annoyed but did it anyway. She came back to the phone and told me that they used vinyl and then hung up on me.  I was naturally upset with her lack of understanding, but went to eat there anyway.  When I got there, I asked the waiter to see the box of gloves, and was greeted by the manager shortly after, who had the box and seemed knowledgeable on allergies and the risks involved.  I told her about my experience on the phone, and she was very apologetic and compensated us with an appetizer. From then, everyone was nice and understanding of allergies so I felt comfortable enough to go a second time. The second time I went, our waitress was fantastic! She asked as soon as we got to the table if there were any allergies she should be aware of so she could tell the kitchen and I rattled them off to her.  I was impressed that she asked at all, because it’s very rare that waiters and waitresses ask, let alone are aware of it.  We spoke briefly and she shared with me her concern for those of us with allergies, even though she does not have one herself.  Because of the kindness shown by employees of Houlihan's in Bridgewater, I feel very comfortable eating there and feel like it is a safe environment.

I had a negative experience at a hotel, and I rather not share the name but I wanted to explain why it is so important to continue to be an advocate for your allergies, so those who don't have an understanding of what we go through every day can learn a little bit more. I had asked the waitress what kind of gloves they use in the kitchen (which as you can tell, I ask everywhere I go) and she immediately said "latex", naturally, because of my experience, I asked her if she could go check the box, her response... "Seriously?!" with the biggest attitude I have ever had a waitress respond to me with.  (The gloves were in fact not latex).  We will all have experiences like I just explained, but it is important to not let people who are just unaware affect how you feel.  For a brief moment, I actually felt embarrassed to have asked, like I did something wrong. It wasn't until this moment that I realized how I was letting her control how I was feeling.  I was giving this random waitress the power to make me feel ashamed.

I quickly escaped this mind set, but was reminded of an important lesson.  Even with an allergy, you should let that empower you, not limit you.  Through education we can come together and encourage one another to be advocates.  There will always be bullies in life, there will always be people who will try to bring you down, but it is up to you to educate those people and stand up for yourself, and the millions of us who suffer from allergies.  Eight years ago I made the decision to be my own advocate and demanded to be heard about the severity of these allergies.  We can change the lives of many, make a difference, and we can all help the cause. 

Thank you for helping change the way of looking at allergies, and for helping spread awareness regarding severe allergic reactions! Education is key to saving lives!


Sunday, May 25, 2014

"The Real World"

Growing up is such an amazing experience. For me, it is even more so because I have been stopping and reflecting on all of my "adult" decisions since graduating... Starting my job has been a great experience by itself, I have met so many hardworking, passionate, and genuine people, who inspire and encourage me every day, and I've realized it is very important to not only have co-workers like that, but people in your life who will always support you. It's a scary experience getting older and becoming more independent, but if you have a goal, and the support, it really does make a difference. 

I've watched myself change over the past few months, obviously it has been a positive change, and that is a really great feeling. In the past 6 months, I've graduated from college, started working full time, and gotten into a masters program. I have a 5 year and a 10 year plan, and I finally feel like I have a handle on life. Not everything is always good, but how can we learn to appreciate the good times, if we've never experienced bad ones? Those bad times are what allows us to notice the good times, otherwise, we would just take it all for granted. 

Part of my plan is to be a role model for those around me, and to be the best person I can be. I will never give up on my dreams, because a dream is a wish your heart makes, and I've learned you need to follow your heart. Life is too short to live with regrets, life is too short to be unhappy. Do everything that makes you happy and don't think about it twice. Be yourself because you are wonderful. Every single experience shapes who we are as individuals, embrace change, and never give up. These are lessons I would like to pass on because these lessons have been passed on to me. 

The real world isn't so scary, you just have to jump in and enjoy the ride. 
