Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Character Band-Aid Drive for Cohen's Children's Hospital

Hello Everyone!

I am holding a Character Band-Aid Drive in support of another fundraiser for Cohen's Children's Hospital being held by an adorable girl named Taylor.  Taylor is has been a patient at Cohen's Children's Hospital and has been on chemo for 20 months of the past 2 years being treated for Neuro Degenerative Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis.  Her mom says that picking out her Character Band-Aid after treatments was always her biggest decision.  Taylor's goal is to collect 300 boxes of Character Band-Aids to donate to the hospital, and I would love to help her collect more than that!

I will be collecting the Band-Aids until August 28, 2012 because after that I go off to school, but the fundraiser will be until September 30th, 2012, if you still want to donate!

They are also looking to collect Latex-Free Band-Aids, and as you may know, is very important to me.  I can only imagine how hard it must be for a child going through chemo, and not be able to pick out a Character Band-Aid because of their Latex Allergy.  I know if people make an effort to donate Latex-Free Band-Aid's the children will be thrilled they can pick out a Band-Aid like the other kids, instead of having to take a plain one.

If you are looking for a Latex-Free Band-Aid, look for this logo:

Also, Curad brand Band-Aids are usually Latex-Free, but make sure to check the box anyway, just in case! 

I appreciate all of the support that is received from everyone!

To read more about the Band-Aid Drive, visit the Facebook page!  Character Band-Aid Drive Facebook Page

Have a great night!!!


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