Monday, October 22, 2012

Busy Busy Busy!


I'm sorry it took so long for me to post things have been going crazy with classes, LSAT test prep, the actual LSAT, and everything else in my every day life!!

I am happy to say that the American Latex Allergy Awareness Walk was a success, we raised close to $1,000 and had such amazing people come out to support this amazing cause!  Thank you to all of our sponsors, and to my friends and family who made this all possible! =]

My LSAT is complete and now I need to start my applications for Law School.  I am so excited to be graduating a year ahead of my class and know that the hard work I have put into everything will pay off!

There are a ton of exciting things going on in my life right now, but I will fill everyone in soon enough!  I just need to get things sorted out before hand.  For now, I am living life 1 day at a time and hoping for the best!

Everything Happens for a Reason, never forget that.

May your days be filled with positive thoughts and happy feelings!

xoxo <3


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Updates and Info


I know it has been way to long since I have posted, but I have been crazy busy with classes starting and putting the finishing touches on the ALAA Walk to raise Awareness about Latex Allergies!!!!! =] It should be a pretty awesome event.  We will be meeting at Field 3 at Sunken Meadow State Park at 11, and we will be walking on the boardwalk at 12pm!  Come down with your teams and raise awareness about Latex Allergies, we will have pageant royalty there to support this cause, as well as some very special guests!  Register at

Everything else is going well, so no complaints there! This is my senior year of college, so I think it is going to be a pretty crazy year for me, also with applications for law school needing to go out soon, I will definitely be busier than before!

I also wanted to let you guys know, that I did not win the Miss Long Island Pageant, but it went to a great girl, so I cannot complain! I am happy to have 2 new beautiful sister queens that I love! =] Jessica Ricco, Miss Long Island 2013, and Nikki Orlando, Miss Long Island Teen 2013

I also competed in the Miss Hudson Valley Pageant, and won the Service Award.  The service award was given to the individual who demonstrated a knowledge of their platform, and dedication to the community.  I was so thrilled and honored to have won that award.  After 6 years of advocating for Latex Allergies, the award had made me feel like my efforts are being recognized, so it was the best award I could have received!  The beautiful girl who won that title, is also my pageant sister, Jessica Pinckney, Miss Hudson Valley 2013!  I could not be more proud of her success! =]

I think thats all the updates I have for you though.  Until Next Time! (Dont forget to register for the ALAA Walk. )

Peace and Love always,

Leanne <3

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Official Announcement! ALAA Walk 2012

It is time to officially announce the 2012 American Latex Allergy Association (ALAA) Awareness Walk, happening October 7th 2012 at Sunken Meadow State Park!!! 

Please go to the registration website to learn more about ALAA, register, and to be directed to donate! 

Get your teams together and start spreading the word about the severity of Latex Allergies!

Please contact me if you have ANY questions regarding this walk, potential sponsors, how to volunteer, or how to sign up, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!!!  I can be reached regarding this walk at

I am so excited to announce this walk, and myself and the ALAA appreciate all of your support!

To donate and register, please click the links below!

Donate // Register

Thank you all again for your continued support, I will be sure to keep everyone updated on the progress of the walk, and I hope to see you all there!!! =]

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Character Band-Aid Drive for Cohen's Children's Hospital

Hello Everyone!

I am holding a Character Band-Aid Drive in support of another fundraiser for Cohen's Children's Hospital being held by an adorable girl named Taylor.  Taylor is has been a patient at Cohen's Children's Hospital and has been on chemo for 20 months of the past 2 years being treated for Neuro Degenerative Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis.  Her mom says that picking out her Character Band-Aid after treatments was always her biggest decision.  Taylor's goal is to collect 300 boxes of Character Band-Aids to donate to the hospital, and I would love to help her collect more than that!

I will be collecting the Band-Aids until August 28, 2012 because after that I go off to school, but the fundraiser will be until September 30th, 2012, if you still want to donate!

They are also looking to collect Latex-Free Band-Aids, and as you may know, is very important to me.  I can only imagine how hard it must be for a child going through chemo, and not be able to pick out a Character Band-Aid because of their Latex Allergy.  I know if people make an effort to donate Latex-Free Band-Aid's the children will be thrilled they can pick out a Band-Aid like the other kids, instead of having to take a plain one.

If you are looking for a Latex-Free Band-Aid, look for this logo:

Also, Curad brand Band-Aids are usually Latex-Free, but make sure to check the box anyway, just in case! 

I appreciate all of the support that is received from everyone!

To read more about the Band-Aid Drive, visit the Facebook page!  Character Band-Aid Drive Facebook Page

Have a great night!!!


Friday, August 3, 2012

A Big THANK YOU! Clothing Drive 2012

Hey guys!

The clothing drive for Big Brothers Big Sisters Long Island was a success!! We had so many bags of clothes donated and people came out from all of Long Island to donate to this awesome cause! =] The pictures are below to show how amazing this fundraiser went, I could not have been happier with the support I received from my community!

A big THANK YOU to everyone who donated clothes to my clothing drive benefiting Big Brothers Big Sisters of Long Island!



Friday, July 20, 2012

We have a Location!

I am so thrilled to announce that the American Latex Allergy Association will be holding its First Annual Latex Allergy Awareness Walk at Sunken Meadow State Park!  I am not able to officially announce the date because we are still in search for an insurance agent, so if anyone has a name and phone number of someone we can use for the walk, please please please contact me!!! =]

I also wanted to remind everyone that my clothing drive ends on July 25!!! =] All clothing will be donated to Big Brothers Big Sisters Long Island! If you have any clothing you would like to donate please contact me! =]

Lastly, this morning I woke up to the horrible news about the movie theater shooting.  My heart goes out to the friends and family of the victims and the victims themselves.  May those who we have lost Rest In Peace, and those who are have been injured have a speedy recovery!

Wishing peace, love, and good thoughts to everyone throughout this weekend and always!!


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Allergy Eats!

I just discovered this amazing iPhone and Android app called AllergyEats  I have always been aware of the Allergy Eats website, (Allergy Eats) and have used it several times when looking for Allergy Free dining, but now they went mobile! This app is a must-have for anyone with allergies!  Although no one can ever guarantee that there is not a risk for an allergic reaction, this database makes it a lot easier for those looking for a restaurant.  From their website "AllergyEats is a comprehensive, user-friendly guide to allergy-friendly restaurants across the United States. It is a peer-reviewed directory of restaurants – rated by people with food allergies, for people with food allergies."  

To make this database search even easier, you can look up allergy free food service establishments by your allergy, there are 10 options (Peanut, Dairy, Wheat, Fish, Sesame, Tree Nuts, Eggs, Gluten, Shellfish, and Soy) and you can look for restaurants friendly to your specific allergy.

I would really suggest adding this app to your phone because even if you don't have food allergies yourself, you may be with someone who is requires an allergy friendly meal, and by having this app, you can make it easy to eat somewhere everyone can enjoy! =]

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

ALAA Walk & Other Works-in-Progress

ALAA Walk 

Well, as it turns out, planning a walk from scratch is HARD work!!!  We have spent countless nights trying to find a location, and trying to get event insurance for that day.  It is a very very hard process!  Since we are trying to have the event in October, which is National Latex Allergy Awareness Week, we are pretty pressed for time.

I am reaching out to my friends and family to ask for help with this one.  If anyone has any information on someone who can give us a quote for event insurance, PLEASE reach out to me!
On that note, we are still working hard to try to get this walk put into place so the American Latex Allergy Association can have their first ever Latex Allergy Awareness Walk!!!!!! =]

If anyone would like to become more educated about the progress being made to make people more Latex Safe, please click here to review the ALAA Website!

Big Brothers Big Sisters Clothing Drive

On a separate note, I am currently putting together another Clothing Drive for Big Brothers Big Sisters Long Island!  I just printed out the flyers to distribute in my community, and I will be officially collecting clothing from them on Sunday, July 22, 2012 and will stop collecting on Wednesday July 25, 2012!  Last time I held this fundraiser, I collected over 60 bags of clothing!!!  I am hoping that this time I can double that! =]  It is weird to see that my first blog post was for the Big Brothers Big Sisters Clothing Donation I did back in 2010!

Other Information

I am also busy planning events for my sorority, I am Community Service, Philanthropy, and Paraphernalia chairs, so I want to have our events planned early on in the semester, because I learned from past semesters, that having the events early in the semester allows for other chairs to plan their events!

On top of all of this planning, I am studying for my LSAT, working as an Intern at AXA Advisors, preparing for the Miss Long Island 2013 Pageant, and getting ready for my 12 credit summer semester to start soon.  As you can see, this is why I haven't been able to post recently! Even though I do all of this, I still have had time to see my sorority sisters, and my pageant sisters.  I recently attended a walk for Cystic Fibrosis with my Long Island Sister Queen turned Miss New York Teen 2012 Sabrina Mastrangelo!  It was a great feeling getting back into the Long Island community and helping out!
Looking back on past posts, I had let you all know that I was diagnosed with Pre-Diabetes, and just as an update, I am doing well, not completely off the medication yet, but my doctor says maybe a few more months and I should no longer be at risk for developing type 2 diabetes!  This is a great accomplishment in itself and it is a reminder that hard work does pay off.  I have been following all of the instructions of my doctor, and have lost over 40 lbs!!  I am not usually one to post publicly about my weight, but if 1 person reading this could avoid being diagnosed with diabetes because they saw it was possible to get healthy posting this has paid off!

For the Miss Long Island Pageant, there are only 47 short days left until the competition! Everyday I am getting myself prepared to compete for this prestigious title and everyday I get more and more excited!  Knowing how much good I did with the title of Miss Long Island Teen 2010 just makes me that much more excited to compete for the Miss Long Island 2013 title! Wish me luck! =]

I think that is all I have for now, so I am going to leave you with this little quote, because by now you probably realize I LOVE quotes!

"We gotta do much more than believe
if we wanna see the world change
We gotta do much more than believe
if we really wanna change things"

Click above to hear the song on

Peace and Love Always! <3

Monday, April 16, 2012

"No Room for Vengeance"

 If you remember, I spoke about the death of another student from Commack High School, I would like to ask you all to sign this petition for the book "No Room for Vengeance" to be added to Commack High School's curriculum.  It is very important for there to be some sort of teaching tools for students to refer to when they are having difficulty with everyday problems and need help finding the proper solution.  With this book, students will be able to see real life examples of how revenge is not the answer to solving problems.

"The cycle of violence in schools continues without educating children how to prevent conflict by teaching empathy and at the same time use the inevitable conflict as a teachable moment when incidences such as "bullying" arises. The reaction is often to immediately suspend without focusing on prevention, which results in rewarding the disruptive behavior. The book "No Room For Vengeance" teaches how to resolve conflict in a meaningful way. For more information visit" (From website)

Here is the link to the petition, I would appreciate if everyone could fill this out and potentially save a life by doing so, "No Room for Vengeance" Petition

I have worked with both Rob Goldman J.D., Psy D and Victoria Ruvolo at the Suffolk County Probation TASTE Program.  TASTE is an amazing program designed to help young adults learn accountability for their actions.  I can personally say that both Rob and Victoria have an incredible impact on those that go through the TASTE Program and those lessons can be seen in their book "No Room for Vengeance."

Commack has a lot going on, and if we take the time to sit and sign a petition for this book to be used in the High School, not only could it save the life of someone's son or daughter, it will also teach students valuable life lessons.

If there are any questions regarding the TASTE Program or the book "No Room for Vengeance" Please contact Rob Goldman at

If interested in purchasing the book please click here

I hope everyone had a great holiday this past week, I will be in touch soon!!!



Monday, March 26, 2012

Trash Cancer Party at Binghamton University!!

Hey! So as some of you may know, today I hosted a Trash Cancer Party!  
A Trash Cancer Party is an educational party about the dangers of certain chemicals in the products we use every day!  It was such an amazing event, and I am so happy that we were able to bring this event to Binghamton University!  I hosted the event with my sorority, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Pi Colony and MALIK Fraternity at Binghamton University and it was so nice!  
(Left to Right) Leanne Pinard, Andrew George, Gabby Scull
We really want to give a BIG Shout-out to Cancer Schmancer for helping us with everything, and for posting on their twitter and facebook accounts!  
Hosting this event was so amazing because I was able to educate people about the dangers of products they are putting into their body, and putting on their body, and ways that we can avoid cancer causing chemicals!  I am so honored to be working with Cancer Schmancer, and representing them by hosting this Trash Cancer Party!

We all had such an amazing time and I personally cannot wait for another opportunity to work with Cancer Schmancer, they really do so much to help educate people about being healthier! 

  If anyone would like to donate to our Trash Cancer Party, all proceeds to go Cancer Schmancer! Just have your Credit Cards ready and text "SUNY" followed by the amount of your donation (e.g. SUNY 10) to 27138.  You will receive a phone call where you can enter your credit card information!

Video Fran Drescher made for our Trash Cancer Party! =]

Video I made to personally thank Cancer Schmancer and Fran Drescher for all of their help! 
(The special video is still being worked on!)

I will definitely put up the video that Sigma and MALIK make once it is finished! Thank you to everyone who attended the Trash Cancer Party at Binghamton University, and to all of those who donated both time and money to make this event possible!

Peace and Love Always, 
Leanne <3

Friday, March 16, 2012

Events Events Events!!


Thank you to all who filled out the petition to bring Suicide awareness into Commack High School!  I will keep you guys updated on how that is going as I hear more information!
Fashion for a Cure 2012

I just wanted to fill you guys in on everything that has been going on!

Yesterday, I walked in Fashion for a Cure at Chabad at Binghamton University, and it was such an amazing experience! It was so nice to be on stage again, and with that, I am so determined to win Miss Long Island 2013 in August!!!

Photo credit
I am currently working on a few community service projects, I am holding a Trash Cancer Party for Cancer Schmancer on March 25th at 2pm.  We will be hosting the party to inform those here on campus, that they could potentially be harming themselves with the kitchen chemicals they are using, and letting them know what to look out for! This should be a hit!!!

I am working with another student at Binghamton University from Delta Epsilon Mu to host a walk for the American Diabetes Association!  As you know, I was Team Red Captain for last years walk in Johnson City! I am so happy to be apart of the planning for this walk happening at Binghamton University!! 
Photo Credit

&& last but not least! 

I am working to hold a walk on Long Island for the Latex Allergy Association!  This hits close to home because as all of you probably know, I have had my latex allergy for 5 years now, and I still dont think people understand the seriousness of Latex Allergies.  The only way for people to understand is through Awareness and Education about the seriousness of Latex Allergies.  Together we can save lives!!
Photo Credit

So I've got a TON going on and if I am not able to post, I do apologize! If there are any suggestions about any of these events, PLEASEEEE let me know, I am always available for ideas that maybe I didnt think of!!

I also recently did a new photo shoot for headshots, and here are those pics!!!! =]

Thank you all for your continued love and support!!!! <3

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sadness Surrounds Commack

Tonight, I wanted to talk about something from my home town. 

Unfortunately, there was another suicide from Commack High School this past week, This has become an epidemic, and it needs to end!  I am reaching out to all of you to sign this petition to Allow Suicide Prevention into Commack High School.  The school thinks that if they discuss it, they will be glorifying suicide, I believe it is the opposite!  Over the last 5 years, 17 students from Commack High School have died, and the majority of them took their own lives, I think it is time that we allow a form of education and awareness into the school system. 

The name of the Petition is: Allow Suicide Prevention into Commack High School: Educate the students, and find ways to prevent this alarming result.
The petition was created by Victoria Modica and we need more signatures to show the Administration that there needs to be some sort of awareness!

Please, even if you are not from Commack, or never even have heard of Commack, Sign this petition and bring awareness to Commack High School!

May all those who are no longer with us, Rest In Peace.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hanging with the best!

 As my next semester at Binghamton approaches quickly, I had the pleasure of spending the day with my beautiful Long Island Pageant sisters!!! =]  We met at Hotoke in Smithtown, and had a fantastic time!! We got the chance to know the brand new Miss Long Island Teen 2012, Catherine Manett!  The reason we are crowning a new Miss Long Island Teen 2012, is because, Sabrina Mastrangelo became Miss New York Teen 2012!!!!!!! =] 
Jess Pinckney, Catherine Manett, Sabrina Mastrangelo

We had a great time getting to know our new queen Catherine, and congratulating Sabrina on her achievements! We truly are proud of both of them! =]

Leanne Pinard, Jamie Bellittieri-Hamill, Kim Taff, Catherine Manett, Sabrina Mastrangelo, Jess Pinckney

The time I have spent getting to know the Long Island Pageant girls, have been life changing, and incredible, each girl has something different to offer, and they are all so incredibly smart, and beautiful! I am so proud to be apart of this family, and I really do not know where I would be without them! 

Now that I am beginning to pack again for the spring 2012 semester at Binghamton University, I am constantly reminded of all I am capable of accomplishing, and how important it is to be confident in oneself, and to remain positive no matter what challenges life throws at you.  I am a firm believer in everything happens for a reason and I know that whatever gets thrown my way, I have the strength to overcome it, and to make the best of my life.  

Thank you to my Long Island Pageant Family for this reminder, and I am so honored, and lucky to have you all in my life! 

"Think like a queen.  A queen is not afraid to fail.  Failure is another steppingstone to greatness." 
-Oprah Winfrey

Congratulations again to 
Miss Long Island Teen 2012, Catherine Manett 
Sabrina Mastrangelo, Miss New York Teen 2012!!!!!
The Teen Queens!
The Miss Queens!

Leanne Pinard, Miss Long Island Teen 2010, Jamie Bellittieri-Hamill Miss Long Island 2010

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Its early January, and I am back like I promised! =]

Hola Amigos!

Well, I keep my word and am posting in early January =]
Firstly, Happy New year!! I have an incredible feeling about 2012, much like my feeling for 2010, and I am excited! ;)

I am currently getting ready to go back to Binghamton, working on some homework for my winter classes, and lounging around like my normal Sunday routine.  =]

In this year, I hope to accomplish a few things, Community Service in both my home town, and in Binghamton, to over come my Pre-Diabetes, and to bring more education about food and latex allergies in children.

I guess it is time to make that announcement now, and well, here it goes!

In August, of 2012, I will be competing in the Miss Long Island Pageant.  =]  I am extremely excited about competing this year, and cannot wait to meet the beautiful girls I will be competing with!

The count-down has begun, in exactly 32 weeks, I will be competing for the prestigious title of Miss Long Island 2013! =]

But for now, please watch my fellow pageant sisters Jessica and Sabrina in the Miss New York USA pageant this Saturday and Sunday.  =]
Also please vote for them to win People's Choice!!

Miss Long Island Teen 2012

Miss Long Island 2012

Both these girls are incredible, beautiful, and smart!! Please Vote for Them!!! =]

Well, it is time to do some more work, and prepare myself for pageant season! =]  I LOVE this feeling!!

A happy and Healthy New year to everyone that I know and love, and I will be sure to keep everyone updated with my efforts!!

Peace and Love!

-Leanne <3